Heart of Brevard serves as the voice of downtown by communicating concerns, advocating for policies, maintaining relationships with city and county officials and staff and addressing important social issues. We are committed to the preservation and improvement of the HOB district through programming, civic support and annual objectives. Representing downtown businesses, property owners, and residents, we advocate for practices that encourage smart growth and preserve the quality of life in our downtown.
Heart of Brevard has helpful information and resources regarding both doing business in downtown and issues facing downtown. We offer grant opportunities through HOB and help businesses identify other funding sources at the state and national levels. More information about our grant programs and applications can be found here.

Economic Vitality
Heart of Brevard is a North Carolina Main Street Community, designated by the NC Department of Commerce and Main Street & Rural Planning Center. The Heart of Brevard is charged with administering the program at the local level and building a public-private partnership to spur economic development in partnership with the state agency. Heart of Brevard promotes downtown revitalization through retail and small commercial development programs, grants and incentives. We focus on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies.

Historic Preservation
Downtown Brevard is rich with history and preserved historic buildings. Take a walk through the Main Street Historic District to see just what makes Brevard so special. Enjoy the Co-Ed Theater, an Art Moderne theater that speaks to Hollywood’s Golden Age. Walk by the Aethelwold Hotel, where John D. Rockefeller and former President William Taft stayed. Visit the Transylvania County Courthouse, a pillar of this community since 1881. There are many opportunities to peek into the past! Several of the buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
In 2018, the Joint Historic Preservation Commission in partnership with the Heart of Brevard and the Rowell Bosse NC Room of the Transylvania County Library collaborated to produce the Brevard Historic Downtown Walking Tour Guide highlighting many of the historic buildings in the Main Street National Historic District.

Grant Programs
Many rural communities are engaged in revitalization efforts to renew downtown areas and restore them to their former prominence as a center of community activity. Heart of Brevard has access to,planning tools, case studies, funding resources, organizations, revitalization strategies and more to assist a business considering a downtown revitalization project.

Civic Engagement
Heart of Brevard serves as the voice of downtown by communicating concerns, advocating for policies, maintaining relationships with city and county officials and staff, and addressing important social issues. We are committed to the preservation and improvement of the central business district through programming, civic support and annual objectives. Representing downtown merchants, workers and residents, we advocate for practices that encourage smart growth and preserve the quality of life in downtown.

An integral part of the City’s downtown revitalization plan is enhancing the physical appearance of Downtown so it is a vibrant, attractive and safe place to do business, live and visit. The Downtown Master Plan Committee and Heart of Brevard Design Committee merged in 2017 in an effort to implement the Downtown Master Plan (2012). The Downtown Master Plan is a plan to increase the aesthetics in downtown through streetscape and sidewalk enhancements.
Main Street America
As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Heart of Brevard, is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.
North Carolina Main Street Community
Heart of Brevard is a North Carolina Main Street Community, designated by the NC Department of Commerce and Main Street & Rural Planning Center. The Heart of Brevard is charged with administering the program at the local level and building a public-private partnership to spur economic development in partnership with the state agency.